
Enter Registration Website for conference registration.

Presenters are required to register before October 18, 2012.
Registrants are urged to register before October 18, 2012 to obtain the advanced registration fee and asked to apply using the online registration.

After November 6, Registration Website will be closed, and on-site registration will be available at the registration desk during the period of PRDC2012.
On-site registration will only accept the payment by JPY in cash.
We would appreciate your cooperation to register as early as possible.

Registration Fee

Both your registration and the payment must be confirmed at the Registration Office prior to deadline.

Full Conference registration
Until October 18, 2012 From October 19, 2012
IEEE member JPY 45,000 JPY 55,000
Non-member JPY 57,000 JPY 70,000
IEEE student member JPY 25,000 JPY 30,000
Student non-member JPY 32,000 JPY 40,000
IEEE life/retired member JPY 25,000 JPY 30,000

One-Day registraion (only valid for ATS/WRTLT participants)
Until October 18, 2012 From October 19, 2012
IEEE member JPY 30,000 JPY 36,000
Non-member JPY 38,000 JPY 45,000

Registration fee for Full Conference includes:

One-day registration is only valid for the person who participates ATS and/or WRTLT with the full-conference fee.
One-day registration fee includes:

Aditional Copy of Proceedings

Additional copy of Proceedings are available for JPY 4,000.


Cancellation made by presenters will NOT be accepted.

If you cancel your participation in the symposium, please be sure to notify the Registration Office by e-mail or fax immediately. The following cancellation fee will apply, based on the date when the office receives notification of cancellation. All refunds will be made after the symposium.

When written notice of cancellation received
Until October 18, 2012 From October 19, 2012
JPY 5,000 100% of the registration fee (No refund)


PRDC2012 offers the rooms in the following hotels at the conference discount rate. The room rates are valid only during priod of the symposiums PRDC, ATS, and WRTLT, i.e., from 17 Nov. to 23 Nov. Reservation will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please use Registration Website to make reservation.
The reservation with conference rate is available until November 5.
After November 6, reservation without payment will be cancelled.

City bus is runnning between Niigata Station and Sado-Kisen (Bandai-Jima ferry terminal) via Toki-Messe (venue), as Bus Line 17.
It takes about 15 min. and costs JPY 200 from Niigata Station to Toki-Messe.
The buses leave Platform No. 5 at Niigata Station, in the intervals of 10-30 min. from 7:10 to 18:50
The reverse-direction buses, from Sado-Kisen to Niigata Station, is running in much wider intervals from 8:10 to 18:45.
Bus Schedule (in Japanese)

View prdc 2012 venue and accommodation in a larger map