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The Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Dependable, Secure, Autonomous Systems
(PRDC'24 Workshop)
13-15, NOV, 2024, Osaka, Japan

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Call for Workshop Papers

As computer systems become larger and more complex, it's crucial for them to be dependable, secure, and autonomous to support the next generation of applications. However, they are vulnerable to various threats like faults, virus infections, and malicious attacks. This makes it challenging to design and improve trustworthy computing environments. Additionally, the increasing scale and complexity of information systems call for autonomic computing to achieve self-management. Research efforts in trusted and autonomic computing and communications are needed across various disciplines to advance technology and integration of systems.

The Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Dependable, Secure, Autonomous Systems will be held in Osaka, co-located with IEEE PRDC 2024. It aims to bring together computer scientists, graduate/undergraduate students to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, work-in-progress, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the areas of dependability, security, and autonomic computing systems.

Fast Abstracts are lightly-reviewed manuscripts 2 - 4 pages in IEEE double-column format (excluding references and appendices) describing unpublished, in-progress, novel work, opinions or ideas.

Submission Guidelines

Workshop papers should be 2 - 4 pages in length, must be formatted using IEEE double-column format (the same format as regular papers as above). The submitted Fast Abstracts must be in .pdf format and completely ready for printing. Please note that all submissions will undergo a double-blind review.

To upload your paper, please use the EasyChair site. For any technical issues faced during submission, please contact Naohiro Hayashibara, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan.

Selection and Notification

Submissions will be lightly-reviewed primarily on the basis of relevance to PRDC, but also on their capacity to stimulate and intrigue the reader. An author of an accepted contribution will deliver a short talk (five to ten minutes) in the Fast Abstracts track at the conference. All accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press (EI Indexed). Submission of a contribution to the track indicates agreement to have one author present the work, if accepted, at the conference. All accepted fast abstracts will be published as a supplemental volume of PRDC'24 by IEEE Computer Society Press.

Important Dates (Anywhere on Earth, Extended)