PRDC 2020 is the twenty-fifth event in the series of symposia started in 1989 that are devoted to dependable and fault-tolerant computing. PRDC is recognized as the main event in the Pacific area that covers many dimensions of dependability and fault tolerance, encompassing fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and commercial components and systems. As applications of computing systems have permeated into all aspects of daily life, the dependability of computing systems has become increasingly critical. This symposium provides a forum for countries around the Pacific Rim and other areas of the world to exchange ideas for improving the dependability of computing systems.
Topics of interest include (but not limited to):
Manuscripts should be submitted in the following two categories: Regular Papers and Practical Experience Reports. Regular Papers should describe original research (not submitted or published elsewhere) and be not more than 10 pages using IEEE Conference Format Guideline. Practical Experience Reports (max 6 pages using IEEE format guidelines) should describe an experience or a case study, such as the design and deployment of a system or actual failure and recovery field data.
All submissions must be made electronically (in PDF format) on the submission website. Please note that all submissions will undergo a double-blind review. Please ensure that you have removed any references that could lead to identifying the authors of the paper. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the paper regardless of the paper contributions. Papers will be reviewed internationally and selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press (EI Indexed). One outstanding paper will be selected to receive the Best Paper Award, and one outstanding paper first authored by a student will receive the Best Student Paper Award.
Regular Papers and Practical Experience Reports
Call for Fast Abstracts is now postponed until 2021.