Online Registration

To register and pay by credit card, please click here.
Please note, we use an online registration system hosted by a local company named Lil Regie.

Registration Guideline

On-site registration will be available at the registration desk during the period of PRDC 2017.

Registration Fees (All prices in NZD)

 Until November 17, 2016After November 17, 2016
IEEE Member $1100.00 $1300.00
Non-Member $1370.00 $1650.00
IEEE Student Member $700.00 $860.00
Student Non-Member $860.00 $1060.00
IEEE life retired member $700.00 $860.00

Additional reception and banquet tickets can be purchased through the online registration system ($20NZD and $70NZD per ticket respectively). If you require more than 6, please contact the Local Arrangement Chair Jin Hong (


Should you wish to cancel your registration on or before December 8, 2016 (based on NZDT), we will refund you in full, with a cancellation fee of $150.00NZD.
Please note, there is no refund if you cancel after December 8, 2016 (based on NZDT), but you can still transfer your registration.
-Please contact the Local Arrangement Chair Jin Hong ( to organize this.

Paper ID

For all regular track papers, use your Easychair ID number as your paper ID in the registration.
For all other track papers, please refer to the table below:

Paper ID for non-regular track papers:


ID Authors Title
101 Z. Zhioua, Y. Roudier and R. B. Ameur Formal Specification and Verification of Security Guidelines
102 R. Schadek and O. Theel Increasing the Accuracy of Cost and Availability Predictions of Quorum Protocols
103 Y. Fang, B. B. Yin, G. Ning, Z. Zheng and K. Y. Cai A Rejuvenation Strategy of Two-Granularity Software Based on Adaptive Control
104 S. Nakano and T. Tsuchiya Method and Case Study of Model Checking Concurrent Systems That use Unbounded Timestamps
105 P. E. Verissimo, M. Völp, J. Decouchant, V. Rahli and F. Rocha Meeting the Challenges of Critical and Extreme Dependability and Security - Analysis and Architectural Solutions


ID Author Title
401 A. Lobo Jr, R. Matos, B. Silva and P. Maciel Expolynomial Modelling for Supporting VANET Infrastructure Planning
402 C. Melo, R. Matos, J. Dantas and P. Maciel Capacity-Oriented Availability model for Resources Estimation on Private Cloud Infrastructure

Fast Abstract

ID Author Title
201 S. Yoon, J. Lee, Y. Kim, S. Kim, and H. Lim Fast Controller-Switching for Fault-Tolerant Cyber-Physical Systems on Software-Defined Networks
202 D. Takahashi and M. Arai Spare-Tile-Based Dependable Logic Design for Sea-of-Tiles Architecture with Ambipolar Devices
203 H. Arai and M. Arai Erasure-Code-Based DTN Multi-Path Routing for Contact Avoidance
204 T. Hosokawa, H. Takano, H. Yamazaki, and K. Yamazaki A Diagnostic Fault Simulation Method for a Single Universal Logical Fault Model
205 L. Tseng Bitcoin’s Consistency Property
206 M. Yoshimura, T. Bouyashiki, and T. Hosokawa A Hardware Trojan Circuit Detection Method Using Activation Sequence Generations
207 K. Echtle and Z. Moztarzadeh Efficient Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization in Ring Topologies
208 M. S.  Rahman, A. Basu, and S. Kiyomoto Towards Outsourced Privacy-preserving Multiparty DBSCAN


ID Author Title
301 W. Zhang and H. M. Sun Instagram Spam Detection
302 A. Zimmermann and P. Maciel Dependability Evaluation of AFDX Real-Time Avionic Communication Networks
303 K. S. Ng, P. Y. Chen and P. H. Ting Smart Cage Implementation with Dependable Safety Agent for Dogs
304 K. Bando, Y. Matsuno, Y. Ishigaki and K. Tanaka Trend Analyses of Failures in Information Systems-A Case Study on Communications Networks and Financial Information Systems